We have several repositories for software. Some are written by us directly, others are rehosting of code that has disappeared from the web or we are hosting here on the author’s behalf.
bcm Bayesian Committee Machine MATLAB software written by Anton Schwaighofer (1 watchers)
bioinformatics Bioinformatics for Biomedical Science Course (0 watchers)
conference Tools for managing the Conference Management Toolkit from Microsoft. (21 watchers)
das2015 data@sheffield conference day (0 watchers)
datahide Web site of the monthly “Data Hide” meetings. (0 watchers)
dsa2016 Data Science Africa 2016 conference website (1 watchers)
dsiprojects Thesis projects available for supervision by the open data science initiative. (0 watchers)
ed2016 Entropy Day at the University of Sheffield. (0 watchers)
mlai Machine learning and adaptive intelligence module for 2015. (2 watchers)
netlab Fork of NETLAB toolbox written by Ian T. Nabney. (11 watchers)
ods Open Data Science (21 watchers)
paramz Parameterization Framework for parameterized model creation and handling. (44 watchers)
R_data_handling Introduction to data handling in R (BMS109) (0 watchers)
svm MATLAB SVM toolbox written by Anton Schwaighofer (5 watchers)
svml SVM Light MATLAB Interface written by Anton Schwaighofer (5 watchers)
tutorials Tutorial sessions for students at the interface of mathematics and computer science. (0 watchers)
_confweb a base Jekyll site for hosting conference web pages. (0 watchers)
Other Software in GitHub
The SheffieldML group also makes machine learning software avialble through the ML@SITraN page, and some of Neil’s older software is available from his page.
Our objective is to releasing software targeted at making open data science easier for both ‘generators’ and ‘consumers’ of data science methodologies.