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The new parameter tie framework. (under development)
All the parameters tied together get a new parameter inside the *Tie* object. Its value should always be equal to all the tied parameters, and its gradient is the sum of all the tied parameters.
Implementation Details:
The *Tie* object should only exist on the top of param tree (the highest parent).
self.label_buf: It uses a label buffer that has the same length as all the parameters (self._highest_parent_.param_array). The buffer keeps track of all the tied parameters. All the tied parameters have a label (an interger) higher than 0, and the parameters that have the same label are tied together.
self.buf_index: An auxiliary index list for the global index of the tie parameter inside the *Tie* object.
.. warning:
This is not implemented yet and will be different, with high degree of certainty. Do not use!
Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
This method gets called when parameters have changed. Another way of listening to param changes is to add self as a listener to the param, such that updates get passed through. See :py:function:``paramz.param.Observable.add_observer``
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