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Make an object constrainable with Priors and Transformations.
TODO: Mappings!! (As in ties etc.)
Adding a constraint to a Parameter means to tell the highest parent that the constraint was added and making sure that all parameters covered by this object are indeed conforming to the constraint.
:func:`constrain()` and :func:`unconstrain()` are main methods here
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Add index operation with name to the operations given. raises: attribute error if operations exist. |
From Parentable: disconnect the parent and set the new constraints to constr
Return the offset of the param inside this parameterized object. This does not need to account for shaped parameters, as it basically just sums up the parameter sizes which come before param. |
get the raveled index for a param that is an int array, containing the indexes for the flattened param inside this parameterized logic. !Warning! be sure to call this method on the highest parent of a hierarchy, as it uses the fixes to do its work |
get the raveled index for a param for the transformed parameter array (optimizer array). that is an int array, containing the indexes for the flattened param inside this parameterized logic. !Warning! be sure to call this method on the highest parent of a hierarchy, as it uses the fixes to do its work. If you do not know what you are doing, do not use this method, it will have unexpected returns! |
Flattened array of ints, specifying the index of this object. This has to account for shaped parameters! |
From Parentable: Called when the parent changed update the constraints and priors view, so that constraining is automized for the parent.
Helper preventing copy code. This adds the given what (transformation, prior etc) to parameter index operations which. reconstrained are reconstrained indices. warn when reconstraining parameters if warning is True. TODO: find out which parameters have changed specifically |
Helper preventing copy code. Remove given what (transform prior etc) from which param index ops. |
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