Package paramz :: Package core :: Module updateable :: Class Updateable
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Class Updateable

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A model can be updated or not. Make sure updates can be switched on and off.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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update_model(self, updates=None)
Get or set, whether automatic updates are performed.
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toggle_update(self) source code
update_toggle(self) source code
trigger_update(self, trigger_parent=True)
Update the model from the current state.
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Inherited from observable.Observable: add_observer, change_priority, notify_observers, remove_observer, set_updates

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

update_model(self, updates=None)

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Get or set, whether automatic updates are performed. When updates are
off, the model might be in a non-working state. To make the model work
turn updates on again.

:param bool|None updates:

    bool: whether to do updates
    None: get the current update state

trigger_update(self, trigger_parent=True)

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Update the model from the current state. Make sure that updates are on, otherwise this method will do nothing

:param bool trigger_parent: Whether to trigger the parent, after self has updated