Week 11

Implementation of high level Gene Expression Analysis and Functional/Pathways Analysis

Week 11 practical notebook is linked into your CoCalc account in the folder called “Week11”, with the name Week_11_practical.ipynb

The data required for the practical is stored in a folder called “data_wk_11” indide your “Week11” directory on CoCalc.

The deadline for automatic collection of your notebook is 16th December (Week 12) by 3:00pm (GRA) and 17th Decenber by 3:00pm (GRB).

You will then receive a notebook with solved exercises and a guideline for self-marking. Collection of your self-marking is: 18th December (Week 12) by 5:00pm. You can complete the marking any time before then. It is advisable that you revise your own notebook using the solutions provided. This will help to improve quicker your coding skils. Formative feedback will only be given on self-maked notebooks.

You are encouraged to discuss your work with your peer to work together. Remeber this is practicals won’t count to the final grade but they are essential to build the final project, which will count for 70% of your final grade.

Additional Reading

User guides are very useful when performing data analysis. Official user guides for affy, limma and puma can be downloaed below from Bioconductor.

The Bioconductor puma user guide can be dowloaded here