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Parameter concatenation for convenience of printing regular expression matched arrays you can index this concatenation as if it was the flattened concatenation of all the parameters it contains, same for setting parameters (Broadcasting enabled). See :py:class:`GPy.core.parameter.Param` for more details on constraining.
:param transform: the :py:class:`paramz.transformations.Transformation` to constrain the this parameter to. :param warning: print a warning if re-constraining parameters. Constrain the parameter to the given :py:class:`paramz.transformations.Transformation`. |
:param warning: print a warning if re-constraining parameters. Constrain this parameter to the default positive constraint. |
Constrain this parameter to be fixed to the current value it carries. This does not override the previous constraints, so unfixing will restore the constraint set before fixing. :param warning: print a warning for overwriting constraints. |
Constrain this parameter to be fixed to the current value it carries. This does not override the previous constraints, so unfixing will restore the constraint set before fixing. :param warning: print a warning for overwriting constraints. |
:param warning: print a warning if re-constraining parameters. Constrain this parameter to the default negative constraint. |
:param lower, upper: the limits to bound this parameter to :param warning: print a warning if re-constraining parameters. Constrain this parameter to lie within the given range. |
:param transforms: The transformations to unconstrain from. remove all :py:class:`paramz.transformations.Transformation` transformats of this parameter object. |
This parameter will no longer be fixed. If there was a constraint on this parameter when fixing it, it will be constraint with that previous constraint. |
This parameter will no longer be fixed. If there was a constraint on this parameter when fixing it, it will be constraint with that previous constraint. |
:param lower, upper: the limits to unbound this parameter from Remove (lower, upper) bounded constrain from this parameter/ |
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