Package paramz :: Package examples :: Module ridge_regression
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Source Code for Module paramz.examples.ridge_regression

  1  ''' 
  2  Created on 16 Oct 2015 
  4  @author: Max Zwiessele 
  5  ''' 
  6  import numpy as np 
  7  from ..model import Model 
  8  from ..core.observable_array import ObsAr 
  9  from ..param import Param 
 10  from ..caching import Cacher 
 11  from ..parameterized import Parameterized 
12 13 -class RidgeRegression(Model):
14 ''' 15 Ridge regression with regularization. 16 17 For any regularization to work we to gradient based optimization. 18 '''
19 - def __init__(self, X, Y, regularizer=None, basis=None, name='ridge_regression'):
20 ''' 21 :param array-like X: the inputs X of the regression problem 22 :param array-like Y: the outputs Y 23 :param :py:class:`paramz.examples.ridge_regression.Regularizer` regularizer: the regularizer to use 24 :param str name: the name of this regression object 25 ''' 26 super(RidgeRegression, self).__init__(name=name) 27 assert X.ndim == 2, 'inputs need to be at least a column vector' 28 assert Y.ndim == 2, 'inputs need to be at least a column vector' 29 30 self.X = ObsAr(X) 31 self.Y = ObsAr(Y) 32 33 if basis is None: 34 basis = Polynomial(1) 35 self.basis = basis 36 37 if regularizer is None: 38 regularizer = Ridge(1) 39 self.regularizer = regularizer 40 41 self.regularizer.init(basis, X.shape[1]) 42 43 self.link_parameters(self.regularizer, self.basis)
44 45 @property
46 - def weights(self):
47 return self.regularizer.weights
48 49 @property
50 - def degree(self):
51 return
52 53 @property
54 - def _phi(self):
55 return self.basis._basis
57 - def phi(self, Xpred, degrees=None):
58 """ 59 Compute the design matrix for this model 60 using the degrees given by the index array 61 in degrees 62 63 :param array-like Xpred: inputs to compute the design matrix for 64 :param array-like degrees: array of degrees to use [default=range(] 65 :returns array-like phi: The design matrix [degree x #samples x #dimensions] 66 """ 67 assert Xpred.shape[1] == self.X.shape[1], "Need to predict with same shape as training data." 68 if degrees is None: 69 degrees = range( 70 tmp_phi = np.empty((len(degrees), Xpred.shape[0], Xpred.shape[1])) 71 for i, w in enumerate(degrees): 72 # Objective function 73 tmpX = self._phi(Xpred, w) 74 tmp_phi[i] = tmpX * self.weights[[w], :] 75 return tmp_phi
77 - def parameters_changed(self):
78 tmp_outer = 0. 79 for i in range( 80 # Objective function 81 tmp_X = self._phi(self.X, i) 82 target_f =[[i], :].T) 83 tmp_outer += target_f 84 85 tmp_outer = (self.Y-tmp_outer) 86 for i in range( 87 tmp_X = self._phi(self.X, i) 88 # gradient: 89 # Note, that we updated the weights gradients 90 # in the basis first. So here we update 91 # and add in the gradient for the bound. 92 self.weights.gradient[i] -= 2*(tmp_outer*tmp_X).sum(0) 93 self._obj = (((tmp_outer)**2).sum() + self.regularizer.error.sum())
95 - def objective_function(self):
96 return self._obj
98 - def predict(self, Xnew):
99 tmp_outer = 0. 100 for i in range( 101 # Objective function 102 tmp_X = self._phi(Xnew, i) 103 tmp_outer +=[[i], :].T) 104 return tmp_outer
106 107 108 -class Basis(Parameterized):
109 - def __init__(self, degree, name='basis'):
110 """ 111 Basis class for computing the design matrix phi(X). The weights are held 112 in the regularizer, so that this only represents the design matrix. 113 """ 114 super(Basis, self).__init__(name=name) 115 = degree 116 # One way of setting up the caching is by the following, the 117 # other is by the decorator. 118 self._basis = Cacher(self.basis,, [], [])
119 # If we do not set up the caching ourself, using the decorator, we 120 # cannot set the limit of the cacher easily to the degree+1. 121 # It could be done on runtime, by inspecting self.cache and setting 122 # the limit of the right cacher, but that is more complex then necessary 123
124 - def basis(self, X, i):
125 """ 126 Return the ith basis dimension. 127 In the polynomial case, this is X**index. 128 You can write your own basis function here, inheriting from this class 129 and the gradients will still check. 130 131 Note: i will be zero for the first degree. This means we 132 have also a bias in the model, which makes the problem of having an explicit 133 bias obsolete. 134 """ 135 raise NotImplementedError('Implement the basis you want to optimize over.')
137 -class Polynomial(Basis):
138 - def __init__(self, degree, name='polynomial'):
139 super(Polynomial, self).__init__(degree, name)
141 - def basis(self, X, i):
142 return X**i
144 145 146 -class Regularizer(Parameterized):
147 - def __init__(self, lambda_, name='regularizer'):
148 super(Regularizer, self).__init__(name=name) 149 self.lambda_ = lambda_ 150 self._initialized = False
152 - def init(self, basis, input_dim):
153 if self._initialized: 154 raise RuntimeError("already initialized, please use new object.") 155 weights = np.ones(( + 1, input_dim))*np.arange([:,None] 156 for i in range( 157 weights[[i]] /= basis.basis(weights[[i]], i) 158 159 if not isinstance(weights, Param): 160 if weights.ndim == 1: 161 weights = weights[:,None] 162 weights = Param('weights', weights) 163 else: 164 assert weights.ndim == 2, 'weights needs to be at least a column vector' 165 self.weights = weights 166 self.link_parameter(weights) 167 self._initialized = True 168 self.update_error()
170 - def parameters_changed(self):
171 if self._initialized: 172 self.update_error()
174 - def update_error(self):
175 raise NotImplementedError('Set the error `error` and gradient of weights in here')
177 -class Lasso(Regularizer):
178 - def __init__(self, lambda_, name='Lasso'):
179 super(Lasso, self).__init__(lambda_, name)
181 - def update_error(self):
182 self.error = self.lambda_*np.sum(np.abs(self.weights), 1) 183 self.weights.gradient[:] = self.lambda_*np.sign(self.weights)
185 -class Ridge(Regularizer):
186 - def __init__(self, lambda_, name='Ridge'):
187 super(Ridge, self).__init__(lambda_, name)
189 - def update_error(self):
190 self.error = self.lambda_*np.sum(self.weights**2, 1) 191 self.weights.gradient[:] = self.lambda_*2*self.weights