*n*-gram Language Models
Discussion of n-grams and how to model language, and starting thinking more about the spell checking problem that Daniel will talk about. We’ll have a simple review of probability and how to relate marginals and conditional probabilities and think about how probability can be used to represent sequences. In particular you should refresh yourself on the sum rule of probability and the product rule of probability.
We spoke about how to create a joint distribution of probability given a conditional and a good question was asked. Given the model of a sequence for a triplet, how do we predict the probability of the middle word. We answered using the sum rule and the product rule.
Plagiarism: Non-Academic Task 2
We covered plagiarism by starting a conversation on licensing of code in computer science. How the open source licenses work and the importance of open source software (BSD Unix and Linux) in modern operating systems. This led on to general ideas of giving credit for work, arising from the introduction of copyright law, and how we need to give credit in academic work.
In two weeks time our meeting will focus on the John Baez special topics. Everyone should select a topic to present. You can also work in pairs to discuss and present your topic. We will present special topics starting in Week 6.
Non-Academic 2
Read through the Computer Science First Year’s Tutorial Booklet on unfair means and plagiarism. You need to fill in the form provided and prepare to submit your answers to MOLE2. (Semester 1, week 4).